Ten top tips - Tom McSweeney

Australian casting director Tom McSweeney shares his ten top tips for audition success.
As one of Australia’s most reputable casting directors, Tom has worked on more than 200 feature-film, miniseries and telemovie projects, as well as 500-plus hours of episodic television production for the US, UK, Canadian and Australian markets.
1. Be excited at having the opportunity to do the thing that makes you happy – act!
2. Remember that by being selected for an audition, you have already won, so there’s nothing to lose.
3. Don’t forget to breathe.
4. Show up 10 minutes early and get focused.
5. Own the material: break down the entire scene and identify the writer’s intent.
6. Listen to the reader; don’t just hear your cue line.
7. Don’t bring props.
8. If wanting to sit or stand, ask if it would work for the casting director if you did so.
9. Know where the camera is and make sure it can always see you clearly.
10. At the end of the audition, thank them for their time, wish them good luck with the project and then leave immediately.