
Advocating for a better retirement system

April 16, 2024

Media Super is a part of Cbus Super, an award-winning industry super fund that represents those who help shape Australia.

New President excited about union’s future

April 15, 2024 #MEAAEquity News
MEAA’s Federal President Michael Balk talks about his life as a performer and the path that has led him to his new role.

MEAA Easter hours

March 28, 2024 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia

MEAA Member Central (1300 65 65 13/ will be closed over the Easter long weekend and will re-open, Tuesday, April 2, 8.30am AEDT.

Protecting performers’ image and work from unauthorised AI use

March 27, 2024 #MEAAEquity

With the development of artificial intelligence with the ability to generate new synthesised images, voices and other media based on existing digitised content, it is imperative that performers protect their image and recorded work from unauthorised use.

Key protections Limit use to that production: For performers agreeing to perform in any recording, including of TV, film, commercial or theatre work, we recommend that ...

MEAA 2024 post-election report

March 21, 2024 News

Pursant to section 198 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and Regulation 141(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009, a copy of the post-election report of the 2024 MEAA elections is available to members upon request.

To obtain a copy of the post-election report, please contact the Australian Electoral Commission at and quote ...