Sydney Opera House members support new EBA and job security during theatre closure

MEAA members wrap up negotiations by voting for their new EBA as well as protecting their working conditions during the closure of the Joan Sutherland Theatre.
The new EBA has secured 2.5% annual wage increases for three years with back pay to July 1, 2016.
Throughout the negotiations management also sought agreement around a range of issues relating to the closure of the Joan Sutherland Theatre. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been drafted between MEAA and the Sydney Opera House. This means that these arrangements can only be applied to the JST closure.
The next step is to seek certification of the agreement in the NSW Industrial relations Commission, once the agreement has been certified, the agreed 2.5% pay increase and back pay will be forthcoming, we expect this to happen in October.
MEAA congratulates Sydney Opera House delegates and members.
Download the bulletin below for further details.
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