Friday, May 13th, 2016 #MEAAEquity
MEAA Online

Melbourne-based stunt members meet to elect new representatives

Stunt members, stunt coordinators and safety supervisors met in Melbourne recently to elect a new Stunt Committee and Safety Committee.

The Victorian Stunt Committee and Safety Committee will begin working to update the stunt grading procedure and safety guidelines as part of a national framework.

MEAA will hold elections in other states as part of a plan to implement state-based committees who will oversee stunt grading and other important safety procedures in their state. A meeting will be held in Brisbane on May 29 and in Sydney in early June. Please keep an eye on your e-news for further details.

MEAA welcomes our new  Victorian committee members.

Elected Safety Committee:

- Joe Pampanella
- Siros Niaros
- Chris Wilson (not pictured)
- Adrian Kortus
- Lana Williams
- Rainey Cara (not pictured)

Elected Stunt Committee:

- Rosco Campbell
- Laura Sutton

Stunt actors
- Philli Anderson
- Alex Yakimov
- Paul Rochford

Assistant co-ordinators
- Warrick Sadler
- Chris Weir

- Chris Anderson
- Graham Jahne
- Brett Anderson