Creative Workplaces will help to deliver safe and fair jobs in the arts and entertainment sectors

MEAA members Fiona Donovan, Bjorn Stewart and Ruth Hazleton are members of the Creative Workplaces council.
MEAA welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment to safer and fairer workplaces across all art forms with the establishment of the new Creative Workplaces organisation.
The new body recognises that arts workers are entitled to fair pay and conditions and safe and inclusive workplaces.
All arts organisations seeking federal Government funding will be expected to adhere to minimum workplace safety and employment standards.
MEAA Chief Executive Erin Madeley said Creative Workplaces was an important pillar of the National Cultural Policy which would guide the development of Australia’s arts and entertainment sector over the coming years.
“We have a government that recognises and is committed to valuing the creative and cultural workforce,” Ms Madeley said.
“The Revive National Cultural Policy has demonstrated that creative and cultural work is a fundamental to the social and economic prosperity for all Australians.
“It is the creative and cultural workforce who connects our communities, reflecting who we are and who we can be. Australians deserve access to the rich diversity of our own lived experience and to see ourselves in the stories we tell.
“Establishing Creative Workplaces honours the workforce and commits to ensuring workers can have long lasting, enduring careers. To achieve this, their workplaces must be safe.
“MEAA members know that we must address issues of financial exploitation and insecurity, the dangers of excessive working hours and ensure all are free from harassment, abuse and are culturally safe at work.
“There is much that needs to change and be improved, and MEAA looks forward to a constructive relationship with Creative Workplaces as it goes about its important work.”
Ms Madeley said there would be strong worker representation on the council of Creative Workplaces Council, which will chaired by former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.
MEAA congratulates award-winning screen production designer Fiona Donovan; actor, writer and director Bjorn Stewart; and musician and songwriter Ruth Hazleton on their appointments to the council as worker representatives.
“Fiona, Bjorn and Ruth bring to their new roles a depth of experience and knowledge which will be invaluable in setting the priorities of Creative Workplaces and striving towards better standards for work in the creative industries,” she said.