Arts need sustained leadership and funding to emerge from the pandemic

New research has confirmed that Australian arts and culture need sustained public investment and visionary leadership if they are to bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance welcomes a new report by the Centre for Future Work, Creativity in Crisis, as a valuable contribution to starting a broad debate about where the arts and entertainment are heading in Australia.
MEAA commissioned the report to help initiate a structured discussion towards developing a member-led policy platform for the sector.
The report has identified shortcomings in the way the arts are funded, the decline of arts and music in primary and secondary education, and the precarious nature of most jobs in the sector.
It has also spotlighted the inadequate response by the Morrison Government to the impact of the pandemic on the arts and entertainment sectors.
“The arts make a significant economic, cultural and social contribution to the Australian community, but for decades disjointed policy, declining funding and lack of leadership have pushed the sector closer to the crisis it is now in as a result of the pandemic,” said MEAA Chief Executive Paul Murphy.
“Art and entertainment are central to our lives, which would be grey and joyless without structured creative practice. Just look at the way Australians have sought the comfort of the arts during lockdown.
“As a public asset the arts and entertainment sector must be nurtured through a contemporary cultural policy that embraces all Australians; that embeds art in school education; that provides support for participation in the arts for everybody and at all stages of life; and that develops respect and financial security for workers in the arts.
“MEAA will use this new report by the Centre for Future Work and its range of recommendations as a tool for engaging with our members and the community to develop a new and comprehensive cultural policy.”
The report is available here.
After reading the report, complete a short survey to help refine our MEAA’s Lets Get Creative agenda and broaden support and public awareness.