Search Results for "Julian Assange" — 44 articles

Address by MEAA Federal President Simon Collins to 2023 Federal Council

This is an edited version of the speech given by MEAA Federal President Simon Collins to open the Federal Council meeting in Sydney on Friday, February 17, 2023. I wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and to pay my respects to […]

An occasional letter from Federal Media section President, Karen Percy.

Greetings and Happy New(ish) Year to all. Welcome to the inaugural letter from me as the Media President, what I hope will become a quasi-regular feature of MEAA communications to you. Let’s call this the Summer Edition and see how it goes!! I’d love your feedback so feel free to email me at It’s […]

MEAA Media president Karen Percy’s speech at the 2021 Walkley Awards

Karen Percy is the federal president of MEAA Media and deputy chair of the Walkley Foundation. This is an edited version of the speech she gave at the presentation of the 2021 Walkley Awards in Sydney on Friday, February 25, 2022. How wonderful is it to be back in the room, together, celebrating great journalism? […]

Renewal at the top of Australia’s union for media, entertainment and arts workers

The MEAA Federal Council will have a fresh look with 43 new delegates and a change of leadership at the top of the union’s Media section.

World Press Freedom Day 2020: reform is needed to protect journalism and the right to know

Today is World Press Freedom Day but there is little for us to celebrate here in Australia.