Search Results for "Julian Assange" — 44 articles

Julian Assange’s fight against extradition

Ahead of final summaries in the Julian Assange’s extradition hearing, Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, lawyer Jennifer Robinson and journalist-activist Mary Kostakidis will take part in this special briefing exclusive to MEAA members. They will discuss the evidence presented against Assange, the defence case and the prospects of him avoiding extradition to the United States, as well as an update on the physical and […]

Julian Assange extradition hearing briefing document

The case against Julian Assange

Join Wikileaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson direct from London, where is attending the extradition hearing against Julian Assange, for this special briefing exclusive to MEAA members on what the case against Assange means for press freedom and journalism around the world. Also taking part in this discussion will be writer and activist Scott Ludlam. The briefing […]

What’s really happening to Julian Assange? – Melbourne

What’s really happening to Julian Assange?

What’s really happening to Julian Assange? – Sydney

What’s really happening to Julian Assange? What has Australia done to protect his welfare? And why aren’t we hearing more about the most intriguing and complex threats to liberal democracy of our time? Walkley Award-winning journalist, author and broadcaster Quentin Dempster will interview Jennifer Robinson, counsel to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Quentin will ask the […]