
Sports journalists want fairer go for women on and off the field

March 14, 2017 #MEAAMedia #womeninmedia Featured News
The sports media in Australia is “still pale, male and stale,” broadcaster and writer Angela Pippos has told a panel discussion on women in sport and journalism.

MEAA demands answers on ABC production cuts

March 8, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

MEAA has called on ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie to immediately explain how job cuts in key technical support roles will not impact on the ABC’s news services.

New details have emerged about yesterday’s announcement by Guthrie of a restructure of the ABC. Some jobs will be cut in production and operational support roles for several television news and current affairs ...

Ten top tips: Anna Kennedy

March 3, 2017 #MEAAEquity

Producer, actor and theatre-maker Anna Kennedy shares her ten top tips for actors who would like venture into producing independent theatre.

Asio confirms it is spying on journalists

March 2, 2017 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom Featured MediaRoom News Other statements Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists, is concerned that Asio is using Journalist Information Warrants to secretly trawl through the metadata of journalists and media organisations in the hunt for their confidential sources.

On Tuesday, under questioning yesterday from Senator Nick Xenophon in an Estimates hearing, Asio director-general Duncan Lewis said warrants ...

Meet your new live theatre and events organiser, Peter Owen

February 24, 2017 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS

We catch up with our new MEAA live theatre and events organiser, Peter Owen, to find out which workplaces he will be looking after and what he’s got in store for the year ahead.