
Media diversity and jobs to be lost under ‘reforms’

September 14, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

Legislation expected to be passed today to remove the two-out-of-three ownership rule will mean an inevitable loss of diversity in the Australian media, says the union for Australian journalists and media workers.

Ten top tips: Katherine McRae

September 11, 2017 #MEAAEquity

Actor Director Katherine McRae provides her top tips for acting on the screen.

It’s time for an offshore screen crew deal

September 11, 2017 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS News

Momentum is growing for a template agreement to replace the current piecemeal arrangements that accompany most offshore feature films made in Australia.

Ten’s future must be free of government delay – MEAA

August 30, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

MEAA believes the government must ensure that the acquisition of Ten is approved as soon as possible after creditors vote so that months of uncertainty can end.

MEAA welcomes the positive statement from CBS and notes that CBS has a pre-existing relationship with Ten. As an investor in Eleven (CBS owns one-third) and long-term program supplier, CBS appears well-placed to provide ...

Equal Pay Day – Monday, September 4

August 29, 2017 #MEAAMedia Featured News

On Equal Pay Day (Monday, September 4) do your bit to end the gender pay gap in our industry by taking action and calling on all media bosses to put their money where their gender pay gap is!