
MEAA opposes US extradition of Assange

April 12, 2019 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom Featured News Uncategorized

On Thursday April 11, 2019 WikiLeaks founder and publisher Julian Assange was arrested by police in London.

MEAA has written to the British and Australian governments urging them to oppose the extradition to the United States of Wikileaks’ founder and publisher Julian Assange.

Do our politicians support Australian stories?

April 2, 2019 #MakeItAustralian #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity Campaigns News

With the federal election less than two months away, MEAA – along with the rest of the Make It Australian campaign – has written to the major parties seeking their support for Australian stories on screen.

Writers and journalists call for award-winning author to be freed from Manus

April 2, 2019 #bringthemhere #FreeBehrouz #MEAAMedia Campaigns News

MEAA is leading a renewed campaign to have the acclaimed Kurdish refugee-writer-journalist Behrouz Boochani to be released from the Manus Island detention centre and resettled in Australia.

Support for journalist victims of harassment

March 26, 2019 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom Featured News Uncategorized

MEAA’s Digital Committee — delegates at digital workplaces campaigning for better jobs and conditions in digital media — have released the following statement:

The MEAA Digital Committee stands in solidarity with Osman Faruqi and Rashna Farrukh who have stood up for a diverse media this week at great personal cost.

In light of the events in Christchurch, it has ...

NSW Journalists’ Benevolent Fund – election of trustees

March 25, 2019 #MEAAMedia Featured News Uncategorized

NSW Journalists’ Benevolent Fund election notice

The NSW Journalists’ Benevolent Fund trustees have asked the fund’s accountant, Brenden Hughes of Boroughs Australia Pty Limited, to act as returning officer for the election of three trustees. Nominations are now called for three Class A trustees of the fund to be elected for a two-year term expiring on June 30, ...