
Stamping out sexual harassment

May 1, 2019 #MEAACrew #MEAAEquity News

In 2017 Equity’s survey of Sexual Harassment, Criminal Misconduct and Bullying in Australian Live Performance revealed that most theatres did not have a sexual harassment policy.

New Fairfax ACM owners must honour commitments, says MEAA

April 30, 2019 #MEAAMedia Featured News Uncategorized

The new owners of the former Fairfax regional newspapers’ group, Antony Catalano and Thorney Investments, must commit to investing in journalism at the Australian Community Media group so they continue to provide a genuine service to local communities.

‘We can stop the spread of disinformation!’

April 19, 2019 #Freelance #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom
Freelance journalist and filmmaker Yaara Bou Melhem has won two UN Media Peace Awards and several Walkley Awards for her films.

MEAA says WA losing vital news coverage

April 18, 2019 #MEAAMedia Featured News Uncategorized

MEAA says plans to slash as many as 36 editorial staff at The West Australian and The Sunday Times will mean that Western Australians will lose dedicated editorial coverage of vital community issues. MEAA says the job losses are the inevitable result of the merger of the two businesses.

Among the journalists who are departing are the state political editor and ...

Govt misses another chance to support Australian stories

April 15, 2019 #MakeItAustralian #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity

The Morrison Government’s decision to extend tax offsets to streaming video services is another missed opportunity to require those platforms to invest in Australian content.