
MEAA 2024 post-election report

March 21, 2024 News

Pursant to section 198 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and Regulation 141(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009, a copy of the post-election report of the 2024 MEAA elections is available to members upon request.

To obtain a copy of the post-election report, please contact the Australian Electoral Commission at and quote ...

Represent: diversity, inclusion & access for performers, crew and musicians

March 14, 2024

Represent is a campaign to truly represent the diversity of our nation across our theatre, dance, music festival and screen production industries, driven by the voices of more than 2000 artists and crew members. The campaign has been created by MEAA’s Equity Diversity committee.

Represent aims to make sure the arts, entertainment and cultural industries have culturally safe, inclusive and accessible ...

Michael Balk elected new MEAA Federal President

March 6, 2024 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia News

MEAA has new national leadership following the election of Michael Balk as Federal President to replace Simon Collins, who has retired after almost a decade in the position.

Super and the gender gap

March 5, 2024 News

Research over the years has consistently shown that women tend to retire with less super than men.

Global journalist unions call for US government to free Assange

February 19, 2024 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom #pressfreedom News

On the eve of a crucial court hearing in London, journalist unions around the world have joined forces to call for the United States to drop espionage charges against Julian Assange.