
Performing at Mardi Gras? Know Your Rights

March 2, 2022 #MEAAEquity

Each year MEAA members perform in various roles at Mardi Gras. MEAA recognises the significance of Mardi Gras to our LGBTIQ+ members and allies.

Melbourne & Olympic Parks stalwart Jacinta Emmanuel join ECS Committee

February 24, 2022 #MEAAECS

Melbourne & Olympic Parks stalwart Jacinta Emmanuel has been looking after patrons during some of Australia’s most prestigious sporting events for more than a decade. A proud MEAA member since 2013, Jacinta was recently elected to the MEAA ECS Committee by her fellow MEAA members.

New charter to show the way forward for freelance media workers

February 24, 2022 #Freelance #MEAAMedia News

A landmark meeting of freelance media workers from all over Australia has endorsed a new charter of rights that will form the foundation of campaigning to set a floor for pay and conditions and protect quality journalism.

Equity launches Self-Tape Best Practice Guidelines

February 22, 2022 #MEAAEquity

Developed in consultation with performers, performer representatives and casting directors, the Self-Tape Best Practice Guidelines standardise the self-tape process in terms of technology, time commitments and self-test expectations, whilst allowing for the best performance possible: a win-win situation for all.

Lighting tech Zoe Watkins elected ECS VP

February 17, 2022 #MEAAECS
Zoe Watkins, a lighting technician at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) and Melbourne Recital Centre, has been unanimously elected Vice President of MEAA’s Entertainment Crew and Sport  (ECS) section in recent elections.