
Fact sheet: Paid pandemic leave

July 21, 2022 #coronavirus News

The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment for people who are ineligible for paid sick leave from their employer and unable to work and earn income because they have to self-isolate or quarantine or because you’re caring for someone who has to self-isolate or quarantine.

Leading Australians urge release of Australian journalist Cheng Lei

July 8, 2022 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom #pressfreedom MediaRoom Other statements Releases

A group of leading Australians including a former prime minister, Labor and Liberal parliamentarians, former Labor and Liberal foreign ministers, prominent business leaders, a former top trade unionist, academics, journalists, think-tank directors, and a former captain of Australia’s soccer team, have signed an open letter urging China to release Australian journalist Cheng Lei, who has been detained since August ...

State of the Industry survey for performers

June 22, 2022

MEAA Equity, in partnership with the Equity Diversity Committee, is conducting our first State of the Industry Survey.

This will allow all members and non-members to tell us your experience during the COVID years, how the industry is performing now, how safe, inclusive and accessible the industry is, what barriers you face and what changes you want to see now ...

Erin Madeley to be next MEAA Chief Executive

June 15, 2022 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA #MEAASport News

Erin Madeley will succeed Paul Murphy as the Chief Executive of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance.

The real cost of making film and TV

May 27, 2022 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS

Through MEAA research, Australian crew have exposed the culture of punishing working hours that damage their relationships and health, driving many to quit the industry.