
Calling all film-makers

April 28, 2016 #MEAACrew #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAStudent News

Stories of community and solidarity are a vital part of the fabric of our identity as a nation.

Members vote on new EBA at MCEC

April 26, 2016 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS

Members at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre are encouraged to vote on whether or not to accept their new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement this week. Voting closes 5pm, Thursday April 28. MEAA is proud to recommend that members vote “Yes” to the new agreement.

Sign up for the big 2016 election doorknock

April 25, 2016 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia Campaigns News

On June 18, MEAA members will be joining other union members and volunteers for a big day of election doorknocking in the western Sydney-Blue Mountains seat of Macquarie.

Spotlight on Scott Smith

April 22, 2016 #MEAACrew #MEAAECS

30-year stage veteran Scott Smith has lent a hand to everyone from BB King to the Lion King. He tells MEAA the secrets of his success.

Fairfax exempts execs but still cuts 100 journalists

April 21, 2016 #MEAAMedia Featured MediaRoom News Releases

MEAA is bitterly disappointed that Fairfax Media will persist with savage cuts to its editorial staff.