2023-05-02 17:52:59 #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

The union for Australian media workers is concerned at reports of police searches of the home and office of two journalists in Western Australia.

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance has been told that police have seized a computer, phone and SD card related to their work as journalists.

MEAA Media Director Cassie Derrick said journalists and their sources must be protected from disturbing raids and harassment from police.

“From the information to hand, the WA police have urgent questions to answer about these raids,” she said.

‘Police have seized and retained property on what appear to be questionable grounds. The equipment seized contains confidential information that could jeopardise sources and prevents these journalists from being able to do their job of informing the public.

“We are calling for the WA Police Minister to investigate the behaviour of the police in these cases and to publicly report the outcome of these investigations.

“The bottom line is that this kind of police action utterly undermines journalism and the public’s right to know.

“That these property seizures have taken place in the same week as World Press Freedom Day makes it even more important that this property is returned urgently.”


WA police search journalists, seize property

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Last update: May 4, 2023