There’s no industry without musicians
In this submission to a Parliamentary inquiry into challenges and opportunities for the Australian live music industry, MEAA says that rather than continue to underwrite commercial festival operators, governments must focus on ensuring the viability of music as a career as the foundation on which a healthy and successful live music scene can be built.
MEAA has made 16 recommendations to the inquiry, including:
• An industry plan for live performance that includes minimum rates of pay for musicians and performers, with a threshold of $250 per gig.
• The federal government extends the scope of the Closing the Loopholes Bill to incorporate all arts and culture workers including musicians.
• Recalibrating funding for Australia’s symphony, opera, and ballet orchestras to ensure sustainability and growth.
• A federal government inquiry into the recorded and streaming industries.
• Government funding for comprehensive primary, high school, and community-based music education, as well as ensuring support for music educators.

MEAA Submission to inquiry into the Challenges and Opportunities within the Australian Live Music Industry
Last update: May 10, 2024