2022-11-09 11:04:27 MediaRoom Other statements

When you join MEAA Media, you agree to be bound by the Journalist Code of Ethics.

The Code defines us as members of MEAA. Adhering to the Code is part of our identity as union members.

This means that as a member of the MEAA Media section, you are ethically obliged to commit yourself to the principles of honesty, fairness, independence, and respect for the rights of others.

The Code of Ethics sets out our values. It gives our audiences a clear idea of what they can expect from us. And it shows us the way.  It is also the greatest protection we have as journalists.

Sometimes as a journalist – particularly at the start of your career – there can be a conflict between your ethical obligations under the Code and what editors, producers, or other managers want you to do.

For example — you might be instructed to intrude upon someone’s privacy, to write a favourable story about an advertiser, to criticise or campaign against a perceived rival or obtain footage through secret and unlawful means.

In these situations, the Code is the best defence you have to push back against demands which may make you feel uncomfortable or force you to engage in unethical behaviour.

Just as union members would stand together collectively if our employer sought to cut our pay, we can do the same if our employer attempts to force us to act unethically.

As union members, we need to support each other when faced with demands by managers which may cross the line, and we need to speak in one voice.

The Code of Ethics can be found here.

Please share with your colleagues, put up posters in your workplaces.

If you need support or advice about a potential breach of the Code of Ethics, contact MEAA Member Central on 1300 656 513 as the first port of call.

Remember, we are stronger together.

Karen Percy
Federal President, MEAA Media


MEAA Journalist Code of Ethics poster

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Last update: March 20, 2018