Statement from the Symphony Orchestra Musicians’ Association (SOMA)
Australian orchestral musicians stand in solidarity with survivors of sexual assault, rape and gendered violence.
We applaud your courage and bravery. We hear you, see you and believe you.
Classical music has for centuries been dominated by men whilst women’s voices have struggled to be heard.
All musicians have a right to a safe, supportive, and fair workplace, however orchestras are not always safe, supportive, or fair spaces for women or other marginalised people. Those with precarious employment – freelancers and musicians on trial – are especially vulnerable.
Enough is enough.
SOMA, the union for Australian orchestral musicians, is committed to changing the culture in our orchestras by building respectful, safe and fair workplaces for women.
We need your help in developing a plan for change. To be involved, sign up here or speak to your orchestra’s union representatives.
#MEAASOMA #enoughisenough #makeitstop