Sexual assault survivors in Victoria can now tell their stories
MEAA welcomes the Victorian Government’s amendments to the Judicial Proceedings Reports Act that will allow survivors of sexual assault to tell their stories.
The amendments remove a requirement to seek court permission before publication.
MEAA Media’s acting director Adam Portelli said: “The amendments allow survivors of sexual assault to speak publicly if they wish to do so. They bring Victoria into line with changes taking place in other states and territories where amendments will allow survivors to self-publish or tell their stories to journalists.
“These amendments remove the silence around sexual assault and the penalties that cruelly punished survivors. They provide immunity from prosecution for those who bravely spoke out in the past. They also remove an impediment that prevented the media from reporting on significant issues in our community that are clearly in the public interest,” Portelli said.
MEAA also welcomes related changes to the national uniform Model Defamation Provisions being drafted by the Council of Attorneys-General.