August 4, 2017 Mark Phillips #Freelance #MEAAMedia #MEAAStudent MediaRoom Releases
The alleged underpayment of 23 journalists by a Queensland digital media company is further evidence that the rules protecting young workers need to be changed, says the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance.
July 27, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases
Governments can no longer stand on the sidelines but must step in to support independent journalism to preserve democracy, the union for Australian media workers has urged in its submission to the Senate inquiry into the future of public interest journalism.
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance’s submission to the Senate select committee inquiry has now been publicly released by the ...
July 27, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia Submissions
MEAA’s submission to the Senate Select Committee inquiry into the future of public interest journalism.
July 20, 2017 Mark Phillips #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases
Leading Australian actors and screen technicians have today appeared before the Parliamentary inquiry into the future of the film and TV industry to urge greater government support and leadership in the sector.
MEAA Equity members Adele Perovic, Noni Hazlehurst and Justine Clarke and MEAA crew member Dan Oliver joined MEAA officials at NSW Parliament House to call for ...
July 19, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) the union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists, is deeply concerned by the concentration of surveillance powers in a new super “Home Affairs” ministry without any adequate external oversight.
MEAA believes the corralling of several government agencies with poor records for observing and respecting press freedom and transparency into one giant ...