MEAA Media Room

MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy’s speech at the 2017 Walkley Awards

November 29, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom #walkleys MediaRoom Speeches

This speech was delivered by MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy at the 62nd annual Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism in Brisbane on the evening of November 29 2017.

MEAA Annual Report 2016-17

November 29, 2017 Mark Phillips MediaRoom Reports

Pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act of 2009, the elected officers of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance present their annual report, together with financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2017.

MEAA makes formal complaint over treatment of Manus refugee journalist

November 24, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

MEAA has formally complained to the Australian and PNG prime ministers about the singling out and deliberate targeting by PNG police of Iranian-Kurdish refugee journalist Behrouz Boochani.

Boochani arrest is an attack on press freedom

November 23, 2017 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

MEAA, the union for Australian media workers, stands in solidarity with Iranian-Kurdish journalist and regular contributor to Australian publications, Behrouz Boochani, who has reportedly been arrested today on Manus Island.

ABC’s restructure must not trample on stressed and overworked staff

November 14, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

MEAA welcomes, with caution, the Content Transformation plan announced by ABC management today.