MEAA Media Room

ACCC must listen to community concerns about Nine’s takeover of Fairfax

September 16, 2018 Mark Phillips #FairGoFairfax #MEAAMedia Campaigns MediaRoom Releases

More than 1100 people have made submissions through MEAA to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission expressing concerns about the proposed takeover of Fairfax Media by Nine Entertainment Co.

News Corp staff shown little respect in latest job cut announcement

September 14, 2018 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

MEAA condemns the announcement from News Corporation via a statement to the Fairfax-owned Australian Financial Review that at least 30 editorial positions will be made redundant. The positions will be a mixture of voluntary and forced redundancies. Journalists at leading metro mastheads as well as production staff will lose their jobs. Production positions will be shifted from News to the ...

MEAA submission to the ACCC formal review of the Nine-Fairfax merger

September 12, 2018 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Submissions

MEAA’s submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s formal review of Nine Entertainment Co’s proposed takeover of Fairfax Media.

East Timor bugging prosecution is an attack on press freedom

September 12, 2018 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

Today’s prosecution of ‘Witness K’ and Bernard Collaery has dangerous implications for press freedom in Australia and the ability of whistleblowers and journalists to work together to expose wrongdoing and uphold the public’s right to know.

Australian Community Managers partners with MEAA

August 31, 2018 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia CommsPro MediaRoom Releases

Australian Community Managers (ACM), the country’s largest network for Australian community management professionals announces its formal partnership with MEAA.