MEAA Media Room

Crisis won’t end until ABC Board members answer what they knew and when

September 29, 2018 Mike Dobbie #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

MEAA’s ABC House Committee demands greater transparency and accountability from the ABC board in light of a damaging week for the national broadcaster.

ABC leadership crisis demands full public inquiry

September 27, 2018 Mike Dobbie #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

The resignation of chairman Justin Milne has worsened the leadership crisis at the top of the ABC which will only be resolved with a comprehensive public inquiry.

ABC chairman must stand aside immediately

September 27, 2018 Mark Phillips #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia Releases

ABC chairman Justin Milne should heed the decision of his board and stand aside today to allow a comprehensive, independent inquiry to go ahead into alleged political interference in the running of the ABC.

ABC chairman Justin Milne must consider his future

September 26, 2018 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Other statements Releases

Reports this morning of the ABC chairman, Justin Milne, seeking to interfere in editorial and staffing decisions at the ABC are deeply disturbing.

Next managing director must be an advocate for public broadcasting and for ABC staff

September 24, 2018 Mark Phillips #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

The next managing director of the ABC must be prepared to fight for better funding and independence, and to champion public broadcasting in a hostile political environment, says the union representing the ABC’s editorial staff.