MEAA Media Room

Make it Australian responds to Government extending offsets to streaming services

April 15, 2019 Elizabeth Franks #MakeItAustralian #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases

The Morrison Government’s decision to extend tax offsets to streaming video services is another missed opportunity to require those platforms to invest in Australian content, say members of the Make It Australian campaign.

Hands Off Our ABC campaign comes to Warringah

April 13, 2019 Mark Phillips #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

Much-loved children’s television characters the Bananas In Pyjamas will join other actors and performers today to remind Warringah voters of Tony Abbott’s broken promise of “no cuts to the ABC”.

MEAA letter to China’s Ambassador regarding the detention of Yang Hengjun

April 12, 2019 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Other statements Releases

MEAA has written to China’s Ambassador to Australia regarding the arrest and detention of MEAA Media member Yang Hengjun.

Writers and journalists call for award-winning author to be freed from Manus

April 2, 2019 Mark Phillips #FreeBehrouz #MEAAMedia Campaigns MediaRoom Releases

Dozens of leading Australian writers and journalists have added their names to an open letter calling for acclaimed Kurdish refugee-writer-journalist Behrouz Boochani to be released from the Manus Island detention centre and resettled in Australia.

Media union urges swift action on ABC inquiry recommendations

April 1, 2019 Mark Phillips #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia MediaRoom News Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, the union for ABC journalists, welcomes the tabling today of the report of the Senate inquiry into political interference in the ABC.