MEAA Media Room

Journalists’ union joins media organisations to call for better protection of press freedom

June 26, 2019 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom Campaigns MediaRoom Releases

MEAA, the union for Australia’s journalists, joins with other media organisations today in calling for urgent legal changes to protect press freedom and the public’s right to know.

Government must act on loss of regional media

June 20, 2019 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases Uncategorized

MEAA said the loss of up to 40 jobs in four newsrooms of the WIN Network in major regional centres in NSW and Queensland (Orange/Dubbo, Albury, Wagga Wagga, and in Queensland’s Wide Bay covering Hervey Bay and Bundaberg) is a devastating blow to public interest journalism in Australia’s regions and highlights a crisis that demands government intervention.

MEAA resolutions on Julian Assange and AFP raids – passed by the IFJ Congress in Tunis

June 14, 2019 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Other statements Releases Reports

Urgent resolutions moved by MEAA regarding the US indictments against Julian Assange (Urgent Resolution One), and the Australian Federal Police raids on the home of a News Corporation journalists and the offices of the ABC (Urgent Resolution Five) – carried at the International Federation of Journalists’ 30th World Congress at Tunis, June 11-14 2019.


Second AFP raid a disturbing ‘new normal’ that seeks to criminalise journalism

June 5, 2019 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

Two raids by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) on journalists and media organisations within the last 24 hours represent a disturbing attempt to intimidate legitimate news journalism that is in the public interest

Police raid on a journalist’s home

June 4, 2019 Mike Dobbie MediaRoom Releases Uncategorized

This morning’s raid by Federal Police on the home of a respected Canberra Press Gallery journalist is an outrageous attack on press freedom that seeks to punish a journalist for reporting a legitimate news story that was clearly in the public interest.