MEAA Media Room

Government must invest in regional media or more outlets will close

March 23, 2022 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #OurStoriesMatter MediaRoom Releases

A Parliamentary inquiry has acknowledged the stark decline in regional newspaper publishing and called for new targeted funding for the sector

Musicians’ union welcomes $250 minimum fee for gigs

March 3, 2022 Mark Phillips #MEAAMusic MediaRoom Releases

The introduction of a $250 minimum fee for government subsidised gigs in Victoria will put much needed money into the pockets of musicians.

MEAA Media president Karen Percy’s speech at the 2021 Walkley Awards

February 28, 2022 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom #walkleys MediaRoom Other statements Speeches

Karen Percy is the federal president of MEAA Media and deputy chair of the Walkley Foundation. This is an edited version of the speech she gave at the presentation of the 2021 Walkley Awards in Sydney on Friday, February 25, 2022.

How wonderful is it to be back in the room, together, celebrating great journalism?

And while there is much to ...

MEAA condemns TV station’s assault on PNG journalists’ rights

February 25, 2022 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Other statements Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance’s national media section committee of elected officials has condemned the suspension of 24 Papua New Guinean TV journalists who walked off the job in support of a colleague.

New charter to show the way forward for freelance media workers

February 24, 2022 Mark Phillips #Freelance #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

A landmark meeting of freelance media workers from all over Australia has endorsed a new charter of rights that will form the foundation of campaigning to set a floor for pay and conditions and protect quality journalism.