May 25, 2023 Elizabeth Franks MediaRoom Releases
The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) welcomes the establishment of Creative Australia, a new arts investment and advisory body that expands the functions and funding of the Australia Council.
May 23, 2023 Elizabeth Franks MediaRoom Releases
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemns the targeting of workers on the basis of their race, religion, gender, disability or other forms of identity.
MEAA believes in freedom of expression but rejects vilification or abuse on the grounds of identity.
MEAA members proudly stand with Stan Grant and all workers when they come under attack on the basis of their ...
May 10, 2023 Mark Phillips MediaRoom Releases
Major new job-creating investment in Australia’s screen industry is set to flow following the allocation in last night’s Budget of $112 million to attract offshore productions to our shores.
May 10, 2023 Mark Phillips MediaRoom Releases
Last night’s Federal Budget will deliver certainty and growth for Australia’s cultural industries and for public interest journalism
May 3, 2023 Mark Phillips #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases
Australia’s standing as a world leader for press freedom is in further danger of being eroded without major changes to support public interest journalism