MEAA Media Room

Submission to the Victorian inquiry into the labour hire industry and insecure work

November 30, 2015 Mark Phillips #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia Submissions

MEAA is concerned by the increasing trend towards contingent work in all areas of the industries it represents, and the fact that it is now taking root in media organisations where work has historically been permanent in nature.

11 million more reasons to be a member of MEAA

November 23, 2015 Web Admin #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA MediaRoom Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance distributed more than $11 million to its members in 2014-15 as recovered wages, financial claims and performers’ residuals.

Arts funding changes a good first step – but more needed

November 20, 2015 Web Admin #freethearts #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance welcomes today’s partial reversal by the Turnbull Government of the cuts to the Australia Council’s budget and the willingness of the new Arts Minister Mitch Fifield to consult with the sector.

Funding cuts are jeopardising livelihoods in the arts

November 5, 2015 Web Admin #MEAAEquity Releases

Ahead of a national roundtable on the future of the industry, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is warning funding pressures are jeopardising opportunities to make a career in the live performing sector. 

Joint letter on SA surveillance devices

October 28, 2015 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia Submissions

Joint media organisations letter to South Australian Attorney-General John Rau on the Surveillance Devices Bill.