MEAA Media Room

Speech to the 2016 Press Freedom Australia dinner

June 30, 2016 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Speeches

Speech by MEAA CEO Paul Murphy to the 2016 Press Freedom Australia dinner held in Sydney on Friday May 6 2016.  2016 Press Freedom Australia speech 21.40 KB 439 downloadsLast ...

Culture of sexism in the media must be tackled

June 20, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #womeninmedia MediaRoom Releases

The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, the union for Australia’s journalists, welcomes the on-air apology by broadcasting personality Eddie McGuire over comments he made about a prominent female sports journalist, and calls on all media organisations to redouble efforts to educate about and stamp out sexism and misogyny in their workplaces.

MEAA submission to ACCC re: News Corp-Seven West Media

June 17, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Submissions

This submission is made on behalf of Media Section of the Western Australian branch of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), which represents journalists, photographers and graphic artists who work for SWM’s WA Newspapers (WAN) and News Corporation’s print operations in Perth and who are all directly affected in one way or another by this proposed sale of The ...

End the ‘cold war’ on whistleblowers, journalists and the public’s right to know

June 15, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, the union for Australian journalists, is calling on all political parties to commit to better protection of whistleblowers and public interest journalism.

Whistleblowers needs support, not harassment

June 14, 2016 Mark Phillips MediaRoom Submissions

MEAA wants the cold war on whistleblowers, journalists and the public’s right to know to end.

We have been disturbed by Government and its agencies hunting whistleblowers and ignoring the misconduct and untruths that honest people want to bring to public attention. Our members are tired of political inconvenience and embarrassment being the real drivers behind tying whistleblowers in knots.

Whistleblowing should ...