MEAA Media Room

Media union goes to Fair Work to get paid overtime for journalists

December 5, 2016 Web Admin #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

The Fair Work Commission will today hear an application by the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance to vary the two key Awards governing working conditions in the media to ensure that journalists are financially compensated for any overtime they work.

New casting guidelines lead the way on use of overseas performers

December 1, 2016 Web Admin #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is calling on other theatrical producers to follow the example of the Michael Cassel Group in adopting transparent guidelines for the engagement of overseas performers on Australian stages.

MEAA Annual Report 2015-2016

November 28, 2016 Web Admin MediaRoom Reports

Pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act of 2009, the elected officers of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance present their annual report, together with financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2016.

ABC must explain strategy following latest cuts

November 16, 2016 Mike Dobbie #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAMedia Campaigns Featured MediaRoom News Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists, is calling on ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie to outline her strategy for the broadcaster following today’s announced budget cuts, job losses and major programming changes at ABC Radio National (RN).

Farewell message to Weekly Review staff

November 11, 2016 Web Admin #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Speeches

The following remarks were made by Carolyn Dunbar, MEAA Victoria & Tasmania regional director, at farewell event for editorial staff of the Weekly Review on their last day before redundancy: