MEAA Media Room

Actor killed by firearm on Brisbane film set

January 23, 2017 Mark Phillips #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases

An actor has this afternoon died reportedly after being shot in the chest on the set of a music video being filmed in Brisbane.

MEAA Media and s18C

December 21, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Other statements

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights is currently holding an inquiry into parts of the Racial Discrimination Act, and in particular section 18C which has been the subject of some controversy in recent years.

MEAA Media submission to the Parliamentary inquiry into freedom of speech in Australia

December 21, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Submissions

MEAA’s Media section made this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights’ inquiry into parts of the Racial Discrimination Act, and in particular section 18C, which makes it unlawful to “insult” or “offend” on the basis of race.

Overcoming gender inequality in society must start with the creative sectors

December 6, 2016 Mark Phillips #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance – the union for Australia’s media and creative professionals – welcomes the release of the Victorian Government’s gender equality strategy and its recognition that overcoming gender discrimination in the media and arts sectors will help to shape attitudes around gender and violence.

MEAA CEO Paul Murphy speech at the 2016 Walkley Awards

December 5, 2016 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom #walkleys MediaRoom Speeches

Thanks David and good evening everyone.

I wish to acknowledge and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present, of the Yuggera and Turubul peoples – the traditional custodians of the lands in the Brisbane area.

The Walkley award for Freelance Journalist of the Year was presented at a ceremony in July.

This year the award was won by filmmaker Yaara Bou Melhem for ...