MEAA Media Room

MEAA submission on whistleblower protection

March 29, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Submissions

Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into whistleblower protections in the corporate, public and not-for-profit sectors.

New ABC chair must fight for increased funding

March 23, 2017 Mark Phillips #HandsOffOurABC #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Releases

The new chair of the ABC must be a champion for our national broadcaster by protecting the independence of its journalism and fighting hard for more funding, says the union for journalists, performers and screen crew.

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance congratulates Justin Milne on his appointment as chair of the ABC for the next five years. ...

Restoration of Australia Council funding welcomed but more needed for opera

March 19, 2017 Mark Phillips #freethearts #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases

The axing of the Catalyst Fund run out of the Arts Minister’s office is a long overdue return to independent and peer-assessed arts funding, but has come too late to save dozens of small arts organisations and projects.

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance – the union and advocate for Australian performing arts workers – welcomes the announcement ...

MEAA submission to review of Victoria’s Open Courts Act and suppression orders

March 17, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Submissions

MEAA submission to the Victorian Government review by former Justice Vincent into the Open Courts Act 2013 examining the use of suppression orders in the Victorian legal system.


Selectively banning media is an attack on press freedom

March 14, 2017 Mike Dobbie #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Releases

The exclusion of an ABC news team from One Nation’s election night function in Perth on Saturday is unacceptable and must not be repeated, says the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and industry advocate for Australia’s journalists.

MEAA chief executive officer Paul Murphy said it was essential for public interest journalism that all accredited media outlets be given ...