2020-05-28 10:12:23 #coronavirus #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Other statements Releases

MEAA, the union for Australia’s journalists, says the closure of mastheads and the job losses announced by News Corp Australia this morning represent a huge loss for communities in regional and suburban Australia.

MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy said: “We are still waiting for clarity from the company on how many editorial staff will be affected by these changes across the News Corp network. We are determined to see proper consultation and fair treatment for any affected staff.

“The closure of so many mastheads represents an immense blow to local communities and, coming off the back of hundreds of previous regional closures during this period, it underlines the seriousness of the crisis facing regional and local journalism,” Murphy said.

MEAA will be requiring News Corp to engage in full consultation over these major changes to the workplace.

MEAA will be holding meetings with members.


News Corp cuts are a massive blow to communities

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Last update: May 30, 2020