Media union urges swift action on ABC inquiry recommendations
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, the union for ABC journalists, welcomes the tabling today of the report of the Senate inquiry into political interference in the ABC.
The committee has made several recommendations which would improve transparency and financial stability at the public broadcaster.
Commenting on the report, MEAA chief executive Paul Murphy said:
“It must remembered that this inquiry was called following the sacking of ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie and subsequent allegations of interference in the ABC’s editorial processes by board chairman Justin Milne.
“Recommendations which improve the independence and transparency of board appointments, add more media experience to the board and protect the ABC’s staff from political interference are all sensible and welcome.
“Particularly important is the final recommendation for stable funding over the budget cycle of the ABC ‘as a guard against political interference’.
“We urge the swift and full implementation of the Committee’s recommendations.
“That would be an important step towards ensuring the chaos and dysfunction of last year is not repeated.”

Media union urges swift action on ABC inquiry recommendations
Last update: April 2, 2019