2016-06-10 16:38:15 MediaRoom Submissions

MEAA supports the existing copyright law framework. We believe statute and policy shifts should be modest and limited to situations where compelling evidence suggests a misfit between the law and community needs and expectations.

The Productivity Commission’s (the Commission) draft report on Intellectual Property Arrangements proposes radical amendments to copyright and other intellectual property laws. In part, the report also denigrates existing copyright protections and principles.

MEAA believes that the Commission’s recommendations, if adopted, would facilitate a perverse transfer of wealth away from quite small beneficiaries of copyright laws, like performers and journalists, to a marketplace with no enforceable rules.

In MEAA’s experience, the current system of copyright is not an impediment to competition, certainly not in the sense posited by the Productivity Commission; nor has MEAA found that copyright laws have curbed the efficiency of the sectors we represent.


MEAA submission to Productivity Commission on Intellectual Property

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Last update: June 11, 2016