2016-07-12 10:20:06 #MEAAEquity MediaRoom Releases

Australian performers have overwhelmingly backed a new agreement which will for the first time properly value their work on digital platforms.

The new Australian Television Repeats and Residuals Agreement (ATRRA) will come into effect today following three years of negotiations between Equity, the union for Australian performers, and Screen Producers Australia (SPA).

The immediate pay-off for performers will include a new 10% loading on top of their basic negotiated fee whenever their work is played on free streaming services like iView, and a 70% loading for the premiere release of their work on subscription video on demand platforms such as Netflix and Presto, bringing internet TV into line with broadcast TV.

And for the first time, performers will be paid for appearing in web productions with a 57.5% upfront loading and a 10% share of any revenue generated.

While the agreement continues to cover Australian TV programs, Equity was adamant the digital landscape and changed audience patterns of consumption had to be properly addressed.

“This agreement will bring the rights and residuals of Australian performers into the 21st century, said Equity director Zoe Angus.

“The agreement that Australian performers have resoundingly endorsed is a ground-breaking reimagining of how the rights in your performance are valued in a digital age. We are now at the forefront of recognising and embracing technological innovation and what that means for content creators. This is a momentous day for our industry.”

Australian performers were consulted extensively throughout the negotiation process via an online survey, cast meetings, direct phone calls, email bulletins and text message.

The agreement was approved by the National Performers’ Committee, made up of rank-and-file actors, before all members were given the opportunity to have their final say.

“When it was last negotiated back in 2004 TV was still king. There was no iView, no Presto, no Australian Netflix. It’s easy to forget how quickly and drastically things have changed. Performers’ work is now consumed anywhere, at any time and on any device. I am extremely proud that our membership has given us a clear mandate to bring their rights and residuals into the 21st century.” says Angus.

The new agreement comes into effect for new programs today, July 11, 2016 although existing programs (including subsequent seasons) remain on the old ATRRA unless otherwise agreed to allow for a transition period.


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Last update: July 12, 2016