Hollywood blockbusters a vote of confidence in Australian screen crews
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and industry advocate for film and television technical and production crew, welcomes the announcement that the next instalments of Hollywood blockbusters Thor and Alien will be shot in Australia.
These big budget productions will generate an estimated 3000 jobs and provide a boost to Australia’s film industry.
MEAA Entertainment, Crew & Sport section Director Mal Tulloch said the union was looking forward to meeting with the producers to establish working standards which are globally competitive while maintaining decent pay and health and safety protections for its members.
“The decision to make both Thor and Alien here is another vote of confidence in the unmatched reputation for flexibility and professionalism of our world-class technicians and performers,” Mr Tulloch said.
“Australian crews are world-renowned for their willingness to pull up their sleeves and their flexibility to meet the demands of production.
“This has been acknowledged by the likes of Unbroken director Angelina Jolie and San Andreas director Brad Peyton, who have both praised the work of Australian crews.”
The MEAA is keen to encourage more overseas productions to be made in Australia, and has developed a standard workplace agreement which provides financial certainty for producers while maintaining basic conditions for production crew.
An agreement like this has been in place for performers for several decades and is now widely accepted by all participants for the certainty it brings to film productions.
“This agreement recognises that to be competitive, standards for offshore productions made in Australia must to an extent be comparable with those in the US,” Mr Tulloch said.
“We look forward to signing off an agreement with the producers as soon as possible so pre-production and filming can begin on schedule.”

Hollywood blockbusters a vote of confidence in Australian screen crews
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), the union and industry advocate for film and television technical and production crew, welcomes the announcement that the next instalments of Hollywood blockbusters Thor and Alien will be shot in Australia.
Last update: October 24, 2015