Full impact of arts cuts revealed
The full impact of cuts to arts funding by the federal government was revealed yesterday with the release of a revised grants structure by the Australia Council, says the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, the union and industry advocate for Australia’s creative professionals.
Grants to individuals and groups and small arts organisations will total just $12 million in 2015-16, and the number of grants rounds will be wound back to two in September and February next year, with the December round cancelled.
Additionally, funding for organisations will be reduced from a maximum of six years to four.
To put this in perspective, the Australia Council allocated $46.2 million in grants and initiatives just two years ago, in 2013-14.
MEAA chief executive officer Paul Murphy said the revised grants program confirmed the warnings made by MEAA in its submission to the current Senate committee inquiry into the impact of the 2014 and 2015 Budget decisions on the arts.
Just under $105 million was cut from the Australia Council in the May Budget, with the money shifted across to a new National Program for Excellence in the Arts, to be administered directly by the Arts Minister.
“Yesterday’s announcement reveals just how bad the cuts to the Australia Council budget are for notions of artistic freedom, diversity and independence.
“These grants are essential to support the work of individual artists and small organisations that push the envelope.
“But these funding changes risk disrupting a delicate and already stretched sector.
“They will undoubtedly have negative effects on many thousands of Australians who value the arts.”
Mr Murphy said more than 12,200 people have now signed a petition to Arts Minister George Brandis calling for the reversal of all proposed cuts to the arts sector.
He said the MEAA would continue to fight for a funding system that supported all artists and arts organisations, both big and small, and which kept the funding of the arts at an arm’s length from political interference.

Full impact of arts cuts revealed
The full impact of cuts to arts funding by the federal government was revealed yesterday with the release of a revised grants structure by the Australia Council, says the Media, Entertainment % Arts Alliance, the union and industry advocate for Australia’s creative professionals.
Last update: October 22, 2015