2022-10-26 12:57:06 #LetsGetCreative #MEAACrew #MEAAECS #MEAAEquity #MEAAMedia #MEAAMusic #MEAASOMA MediaRoom Releases

Last night’s Federal Budget has made an important down payment towards a stronger future for the arts and media sectors, says the union for Australia’s cultural workforce.

The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance welcomes the restoration in the Budget of funding to ABC to the tune of $83.7 million and that the public broadcasters will in future have a five-year funding cycle.

MEAA Chief Executive Erin Madeley said both announcements delivered on key election commitments to restore funding to the ABC and to provide certainty for both the ABC and SBS beyond the three year election cycle.

“Australians deserve a properly funded public broadcaster that can tell their stories from across this vast nation,” Ms Madeley said.

“For ABC audiences and the public to enjoy the maximum benefit and value from this renewed investment, money needs to be spent on the people who produce ABC news and entertainment content.”

Ms Madeley said workers in the arts and entertainment industries were looking forward to the launch of a National Cultural Policy by the Albanese Government – the first in a decade – before the end of this year.

This will be a significant statement that will provide the foundation for these sectors for years to come.

“Our members welcome the opportunity to work with the Government to help deliver a shared vision for a National Cultural Policy that recognises the centrality of the cultural workforce to a prosperous and progressive society,” Ms Madeley said.

“There has already been much meaningful work towards the development of a cultural policy that will outline a plan for better access and participation for all Australians.”

The Budget also contains important initiatives that will improve economic and gender equality including more affordable early education and childcare and an expansion of the paid parental leave scheme, both of which will increase workforce participation and ease cost of living pressures.


Budget begins to deliver on election commitments to cultural workforce

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Last update: October 26, 2022