Australia’s Right to Know submission to the PJCIS review of the metadata regime and Journalist Information Warrants
The Australia’s Right To Know coalition of media organisations (including MEAA) submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security review of the mandatory metadata retention regime including the Journalist Information Warrant scheme – submitted July 4 2019.
“The mandatory data retention regime is a legislative framework which requires carriers, carriage service providers and internet service providers to retain a defined set of telecommunications data for two years, ensuring that such data remains available for law enforcement and national security investigations. Under this framework, approved law enforcement agencies are able to access this data without a warrant. Concerns expressed in relation to freedom of the press and access to journalists’ metadata during the introduction of the legislation resulted in the inclusion of a Journalist Information Warrant scheme (JIW Scheme) at Division 4C of the TIA Act. These amendments entail intelligence organisations and law enforcement wanting to access journalists’ data to discover their sources would first have to seek a warrant.”

ARTK submission to the PJCIS review of the metadata retention regime
Last update: July 18, 2019