2019-11-29 16:13:25 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Submissions

Australia’s Right to Know coalition of media organisations’, including MEAA, submission to the Vincent Open Courts Act Review – remaining legislative recommendations implementation options
Consultation Paper (the Paper). This submission follows theoriginal submission to the Vincent Review of the Open Courts Act (Vic).

“We believe it is important to reiterate here an important reference point regarding open justice which was included in our original submission to the Vincent Review. That is: a starting point that open justice is important is inadequate. The test stated in both the Act and repeatedly throughout the common law is that suppression orders are a departure from status quo of open justice which must be shown to be necessary. Judges and magistrates must adopt a presumption in favour of reluctance to suppress any information before the Court unless arguments to the contrary have been rigorously tested and they are convinced otherwise. The principle should prevail over the individual case in all but exceptional circumstances.”


ARTK submission on the remaining recommendations of Victoria's Vincent Open Courts review - 191129

Australia’s Right to Know coalition of media organisations', including MEAA, submission to the Vincent Open Courts Act Review – remaining legislative recommendations implementation options
Consultation Paper (the Paper). This submission follows theoriginal submission to the Vincent Review of the Open Courts Act (Vic).

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Last update: February 4, 2020