2020-01-24 16:02:13 #MEAAMedia #pressfreedom MediaRoom Submissions

Australia’s Right to Know (ARTK) coalition of media organisations (included MEAA) submission to the Council of Attorneys-General Defamation Work Party regarding the Consultation Draft (Consultation Draft) of the Model Defamation Amendment Provisions (Draft Provisions).

“We reiterate here that we cannot accept dilly-dallying with less than optimally functioning defamation law in the future as has been allowed to happen to date.”


ARTK submission on the Model Defamation Provisions - 200124

Australia’s Right to Know (ARTK) coalition of media organisations (included MEAA) submission to the Council of Attorneys-General Defamation Work Party regarding the Consultation Draft (Consultation Draft) of the Model Defamation Amendment Provisions (Draft Provisions).

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Last update: February 4, 2020