Stunt Performers

The Equity Stunt Committee was created to formally grade and certify working stunt professionals through the National Stunt Grading System (NSGS).

Working as a stunt performer, stunt coordinator or safety supervisor is about assessing risk, both for the individuals involved in a stunt and often for the rest of the cast and crew.

The NSGS was put into place to verify that an individual has adequate experience, knowledge and is qualified to carry out stunt work as well as building a professional and safe stunt industry in Australia.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

Stunt Committee members:

Safety supervisors

Alex Jewsen (NSW)
Leon Stripp (QLD)
Philli Anderson (VIC)
Steve Morris (QLD)

Stunt co-ordinators

Darko Tuskan (QLD)
Tony Lynch (NSW)
Philip Partridge (NSW)
Nigel Harbach (WA)

Stunt performers

Haydn Dalton (QLD)
Inge Sildnik (NSW)
Rosco Campbell (VIC)
Georgie Blackwell (NSW)

Read this page for how to apply for a stunt grading.