Workshop: The Virtual Pen - Old Wisdom, New Habits

8:30am - 5:30pm
MEAA Conference Room, Level 3, 365 Queen Street, Melbourne, 3000

A one-day workshop with Claire Scobie, Paul Southwick and Michael Bernard.

MEAA invites you to attend an intensive one-day workshop for experienced journalists to repackage their talents and reinvent their careers.

In this changing commercial world it pays to get innovative about your revenue streams. At this workshop for experienced journalists, you’ll be given the tools to embrace new opportunities beyond traditional journalism.

During three sessions by experts and an interactive Q&A panel, you’ll learn how to become a successful portfolio writer; ways to maximise your potential and build resilience; tips and tricks to monetise your writing skills for productivity and income. The focus of the day is on empowerment and finding creative pathways to success in this new media landscape.

On the day your guides will be: Dr Claire Scobie, journalist, author and facilitator; Professor Michael Bernard, educationalist and author of High Performance Mindset at Work; and Paul Southwick CA, successful journalist and leading business consultant.

Non-members welcome to register. Members receive discounted registration costs.
Have questions about The Virtual Pen: Old Wisdom, New Habits with Claire Scobie, Paul Southwick and Michael Bernard? Contact MEAA via the link on the registration page.