9:00am - 8:30pm
University of Technology, Sydney
As part of its 40th Anniversary International Conference program, the Australian Press Council is staging a series of journalism Master Classes on 6 May 2016. For more information on the Council’s 40th Anniversary conference, click here
Join officials of press councils from around the world to learn about how press regulation works in a variety of settings, how standards are developed and enforced, and the new challenge of overseeing content that is produced in one country and published in many others.
Senior representatives from two respected Australian organisations will also take part in this three-session Master Class, adding their insights into the reporting of mental illness and the development of standards for the reporting of Islam.
with David Barstow & Kate McClymont
A Master Class for anyone who ever wanted to know how to expose corporate rogues and government corruption with little more than a reporter’s notebook. Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist David Barstow, from The New York Times, and Walkley award-winning journalist Kate McClymont will tell tales and share tricks of the trade.
Free Public Event |
In addition to the conference proceedings themselves, the Press Council is partnering with Sydney Ideas at The University of Sydney to stage a free public event on the evening of 4 May 2016. Hosted by ABC Radio National’s Fran Kelly, the session will delve into the tumultuous love affair between governments and media.
Fran Kelly “What’s the Announceable?” – Governing in a 24-hour news cycle The session brings together two esteemed investigative journalists from overseas – Anna Nemtsova from Russia and Madhu Trehan from India – along with veteran Australian political columnist Peter Hartcher and former NSW Premier Bob Carr. From transport solutions to Pacific solutions, the “announceable” may be gold to the Malcolm Tuckers of this world but how toxic can this clamour for bite-sized, headline-ready policies be? What is the effect on society and democracy of politicians tailoring policies to the accelerating news cycle, to front pages, TV shows and online click rates? Can citizens ever hope for reasoned political debate and considered public policy in such a world? Join us for this unique opportunity to hear the views of these leading figures from the very place where politics and journalism collide. And share your views in the lively Q&A session that will surely follow. Tickets are free, but limited and must be booked beforehand. |
For more information on the Council’s 40th Anniversary conference, click here
Sponsorship opportunities available. Contact our Director of Communications Michael Rose on +61 2 9261 1930.