Climate Reporting - Every Journo's Round

5:30pm - 7:00pm
via Zoom

Reporting on Climate Change is no longer a niche round for journalists. Its impacts are felt across health, property, infrastructure, business, environment, agriculture, regional news, weather reporting, natural disasters and more. Ethical reporting on the causes and effects of our changing climate is crucial and in the public interest.

Tight deadlines, increased workloads and complicated science make it challenging for journalists to ensure they have all the facts and context to report confidently on these issues, and to ask the right questions.

So how can journalists report on climate change in an accurate and informed way?

Join us and a panel of experts for a discussion on the best ways to approach climate reporting.

COST: Free for MEAA Media members; $5 for non-members. All funds raised go to the Media Safety & Solidarity Fund to assist colleagues in the Asia-Pacific region through times of hardship, including natural disasters and climate change emergencies.

Professor Lesley Hughes, the Climate Council – Lesley is a Distinguished Professor of Biology and Pro Vice-Chancellor at Macquarie University. She is a former federal Climate Commissioner and former Lead Author in the IPCC’s 4th and 5th Assessment Report.


Miki Perkins, The Age – Miki is an award-winning senior journalist and the climate and environment writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.



Josh Gilbert – Josh is a Worimi Man, farmer and academic. He is an entrepreneur and business advisor, working predominantly in the Aboriginal cultural, agricultural and environmental spaces.



Karen Percy – Karen is the MEAA Media President and a veteran news reporter, with more than 35 years’ experience, including a stint as a foreign correspondent in Thailand and Russia.