MEAA virtual Freelancers' SolidariTEA

11:00am - 1:00pm
Phone or Laptop hook-up ZOOM teleconference - see details below

The MEAA National Freelance Committee is inviting you to the inaugural MEAA virtual Freelancers’ SolidariTEA.  This is a virtual morning tea for all freelancers across the nation – you can join the conversation by using the ZOOM video conferencing system or simply by dialing in on your phone – details on how to dial-in will be provided when you register.

The format will be a panel discussion of freelancers followed by a Q&A on any industrial questions that you have.

This is a great opportunity to hear the latest developments around freelancing as well as getting answers to your questions about your rights as a freelancer.

For more information call Jenny Farrar 0415 995 745. You are welcome to email your questions in advance to: – simply enter the words SolidariTEA Question into the subject line.

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