2016-06-17 14:48:46 #MEAAMedia MediaRoom Submissions

This submission is made on behalf of Media Section of the Western Australian branch of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), which represents journalists, photographers and graphic artists who work for SWM’s WA Newspapers (WAN) and News Corporation’s print operations in Perth and who are all directly affected in one way or another by this proposed sale of The Sunday Times newspapaper and PerthNow website to WAN.

We believe the sale will lead inevitably to job losses for our members and increased workload for those that remain in the Editorial sections of the consolidated operation.

The sale is likely to result in Perth becoming a “one newspaper town”, which raises additional concerns about media diversity, editorial independence, the quality of content, and competition for advertisers.


MEAA submission to ACCC re: News Corp-Seven West Media

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Last update: July 15, 2016